Thursday 7 April 2011


I recently bought the Boold 2 in 1 gel with pomengranate and orange blossom scent which I found was a complete waste of money. Here is my review for it...

I was not able to get my usual washing liquid on a recent shopping trip and could not decide which one to get instead. To be honest I was swayed to this Bold gel with pomegranate and orange blossom as it was a similar use to the one I usually use and the fact it was on offer.


The liquid comes in a white plastic bottle which is shaped sort of like a tear drop. On the front we have an orange label which has the Bold logo on and the product name, on the edge of this is some pretty flowers and a claim that the freshness of this scent will last for 12 hours when wearing the clothes. On the back of the bottle we have the directions for use and the information about the washing liquid.

The base of the bottle is orange and this is what it stands up on. There is also a small flap on the very bottom which is the part where you remove the gel from. The design of this is good as it means your liquid is always ready to come out of the bottle.

On the left hand side edge of the bottle where is a clear plastic strip running the length of the bottle. This allows you to see just how much of the liquid you have left in the bottle.


It is very simple to use the washing liquid. The top corner of the bottle is to be removed and the gel squeezed into the inside of this, this is then to be placed inside the washing machine drum with the clothes and not poured into the dispenser. The amount of gel to be used will vary from different load types. For an average load of lightly soiled clothes than ¾ of a capful is enough but for more soiled clothes and a full load then the full cap full it needed. If you are using this to hand wash then only a small squeeze is needed.

I did notice how much thinner the liquid was compared to my other branded liquid and I felt it was very easy to pour too much out of the bottle due to this. As a result I must warn not to squeeze the bottle too hard or you will end up with the liquid going everywhere.


I did have high hopes for this liquid as it is a well know brand, unfortunately they were not met. I found the liquid was very simple to use, it is to be used in the exact same way as my usual brand, Ariel excel gel and I liked the look and colour of the liquid. I did notice when I poured the liquid out that there was a lovely light orange scent to it which I hoped would intensify once it met the water and clothes. Unfortunately this was not the case. I did notice I was able to slightly smell the orange scent when the clothes were in the machine washing but once they had been removed and dried it had completely gone. I don’t know how they can claim to have a 12 hour lasting scent when the clothes are being worn as the scent does not even make it as far as the wardrobe. I was greatly disappointed by this.

When I took the clothes out of the washing machine I did initially think they were all clean but when I came to have a closer look I noticed that they were in fact not clean. This liquid was not even able to remove the school water based paints from the school jumpers. As a result I am now having to use a stain remover in my wash whilst I still have this liquid left.

The colours were fresh and none of them ran from this liquid but for me this is not a big point as the liquid was not good enough to clean the clothes. The clothes did feel soft after being washed in this but this is really the only main plus point.

I have not noticed any irritations to my families skin from using this, hubby has sensitive skin and it has not affected him so maybe another slight plus point for the liquid.


The washing liquid which I have comes in a bottle size of 667ml. This according to the front of the bottle lasts for 18 washes, I am in fact ion wash 16 and still have a good ¼ of the bottle left. I have not been adding extra liquid to the washing as this has no effect on the ability to remove the stains at all. You can buy this is a larger size too.

There are some warnings on the back of the bottle and these include:-

- avoid contact with eyes
- In case of contact with eyes rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advise
- If swallowed seek medical advise and show this label
- Rinse and dry hands after use
- People with sensitive or damaged skin should avoid prolonged contact with the product

The washing liquid should be stored in a cool dry place and away from sunlight. The packaging is fully recyclable.

This liquid is not suitable for use on wool or silk according to the back of the bottle, I have washed woollen jumper with it and have not had any bad results from doing so. I would advise using it on these materials at your own discretion.

This liquid can be used on washes at a variety of temperatures, ranging from 15 deg. C. all the way to 95 deg. C.


I was fortunate to buy my liquid on offer in Asda, I only paid £3 for the bottle and I am glad I did not pay the full price which is way over £4. I feel this is very expensive for a washing liquid that cannot even remove the smallest of marks. I suggest looking for the offers if you are still interested in trying this.


Unfortunately I am not able to recommend this washing liquid. The initial smell is good but it does not last, it is simple to use and the bottle design is pleasant. I was let down by the lack of cleaning ability and the high price tag when not on offer. I have given this 2 stars as the scent is nice. I might suggest trying this if you do not have children and only tend to have washing which needs freshening up and not a full proper wash.

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