Monday 4 April 2011

I do, I do, I do!

My new post is review for the DVD confetti, a British comedy and well worth watching.....

Confetti wedding magazine is looking at improving their reading figures. They come up with an idea of holding a wedding competition with the most unusual weddings being involved. The winner of the competition will win a house. They start auditions for the contest and soon arrive at their decision. Three couples are chosen to take part.

We have as nudist wedding, a tennis themed wedding and a musical wedding. They are all given help and a large budget to work with but cracks soon start to appear when the couple cannot decided on how their weddings are going to go and how with family members interfering it is never going to be easy.

Who all three couples survive the arranging and make it to their weddings and if so just who will win?

I had looked at this DVD several times in Tesco before finally deciding to buy it, I was swayed by the fact it is a British film and a comedy. I am pleased that I did buy it as I thought it was very good and the story was quite original. I felt it was going to be similar to the film four weddings and a funeral at first but I was so far off the mark. We are shown three couples who are all different and they handle their weddings differently and this does make for a good entertaining story. I did however think that the film was a little predictable and had worked out who would win from near enough the start of the film but never the less I enjoyed seeing how we got to this outcome.

The acting from all involved was great, the couples all worked well together and they seemed perfect matches. We had a lot of differences between all of the character and they each gave a completely different element to the film and this is what made it so good. They all did great jobs with their roles and made them believable. I did find two of the character were not all good as the others as I did not feel I got to know much about them but this is what they were trying to get me to feel so it did work. The three couples were acted by Martin Freeman, Jessica Hynes, Stephen Mangan, Meredith MacNeill, Robert Webb and Olivia Coleman. I do felt that the latter two actors had the hardest roles in the film as they played the nudists and were naked for a lot of screen time. They managed to do this with pride and not come across as embarrassed by the fact they were naked.

We did have a few other very good support roles in the film and the few actors who stood out for me included, Jimmy Carr, Alison Steadman and Jason Watkins. They bought a lot of humour to the film.

The film was set in the present day so no real effort was needed for the sets or props. We got to see a good amount of places and they all looked good and fitted well with the story and feel of the film. The costumes were also fitting but no real effort was needed with these as they were just normal everyday clothes. I did find the sets for the weddings were good and looked lovely and a lot of thought had gone into these and overall they were enjoyable and nice to see.

The soundtrack for the film was actually a little disappointing. I know one of the weddings has a musical theme and so I would have liked more popular musical numbers which I would have been able to sing along to. The remainder of the soundtrack was actually very unmemorable and given this film was only made a few years back they could have used some good up tempo and modern songs.

This film is a comedy and the DVD cover has at the bottom ‘British comedy at it’s best’. To be perfectly honest I do have to disagree with this. Don’t get me wrong there are a lot of laughs in the film and some good fun parts but I have seen a lot better home made films which are much funnier. We do have a lot of dry humour in the film and this comes from the one liners the couples have. We do have some visual gags and personally I found these were much funnier than the spoken ones. There are some laughs but not enough to make this the best British comedy film.

The DVD does not have any bonus features on but this is no loss to me as I am not a fan of them anyway. The DVD only cost me £2 from Tesco which I felt o be a good bargain price. The running time of the film is 95 minutes and I found this to be a good length with the story moving at a steady pace throughout. The rate is a 15 as it contains strong language and nudity and I do fully agree with this.

I am surprised to be recommending this film and giving it 4 stars as it was better than I expected. The story is good and so to is the acting. I would have liked a stronger soundtrack and a less predictable ending to have been able to give this the full 5 stars. It is certainly one to watch if you too can get it for £2 or catch it on the TV for free.

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